"As far as what I do love, I love birds; I love lavender."    - Michael Moore

History & Lore

Lavender farm gals making a big dent in bundling English lavender (Queenie Dillard, Deborah Henderson and Laura Dillard.)
A Universal Herb
  • Lavender is a member of the mint family and is thought to have originated in the Mediterranean about 2,500 years ago. It has long been known for its beauty, floral fragrance, and many uses.
  • Lavender oil is used as a disinfectant, an antiseptic, an anti-inflammatory and for aromatherapy.
  • The name Lavender comes from the Latin "lavare" meaning "to wash". The Romans used it to scent their baths, beds, clothes, and even their hair.
  • Lavender is one of the herbs that was used in medieval times as strewing herbs (scattered on the floor to deter vermin) and as nosegays (small bouquets worn around or close to the nose to disguise other, less pleasant odors).
  • An infusion of lavender is claimed to soothe and heal insect bites, sunburn and small cuts, burns and inflammatory conditions - even acne.
  • Lavender oil is believed to soothe headaches, migraines and motion sickness when applied to the temples. It is frequently used as an aid to sleep and relaxation.
  • Lavender has also been shown to be helpful for calming people with Alzheimer's by mildly decreasing agitated behavior.
The Love Herb

In the Language of Love, lavender means DEVOTION and UNDYING LOVE. It is not surprising then that lavender has long been considered the herb of love.

In the Language of Love, lavender means DEVOTION and UNDYING LOVE.

What is more breathtaking than looking out over lavender plants in bloom? We can't really think of anything! The fragrant purple blooms create a stark contrast to the green grass and blue skies of summer.


While we've never actually smelled heaven, we can imagine it could smell a lot like a room filled with fresh cut lavender!

Year-Round Enjoyment

Not only can dried lavender bundles be enjoyed all year, but you can also use oils, buds, stems and more to make wonderful, all-natural products that you can enjoy every day.

A Culinary Delight

Lavender can be used in numerous culinary dishes and drinks.  It is especially beneficial for many desserts. The Imagination Lavender Farm Retail Shop will carry culinary lavender products from syrups, teas, infused sugar, balsamic vinegar, scones, shortbread and honey from the farm.

Lavender is a member of the mint family and is thought to have originated in the Mediterranean about 2,500 years ago. It has long been known for its beauty, floral fragrance, and many uses.